Monday, June 17, 2013

Card Game Ends

It was fun while it lasted. You can look back over the various cards to see how they apply to agile, or maybe they don't apply. This card clearly ends the streak of cards that could be applied to and discussed in the context of agile projects. Living in the Moment by Barbara Ann Kipfer (a deck of 52 inspirational cards).

If you're on a spiritual journey this card applies, otherwise it's just too much of a stretch to make this apply to agile development. So, the card game is over. Back to regular posts after this.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Agile - Act Now

Yet another card to continue the game of drawing cards. This one is about acting now. Living in the Moment by Barbara Ann Kipfer (a deck of 52 inspirational cards).

This continues the theme of focusing on the now, not the later. Keeping in mind that we can only deal with the present moment, not the past and not the future.