Saturday, May 4, 2013

Agile - now, for later

If you read my last blog you'll know that I pulled a card from a deck of 52 cards my wife has. I then decided I would try it again to see if the card provided impetus for this blog. Here's what the next card had on it: "Now or Later - If you desire a glorious future,, transform the present - Patanjali (circa: 2nd century CE). Living in the Moment by Barbara Ann Kipfer (a deck of 52 inspirational cards).

Some say Patanjali was a single person, others say Patanjali was a series of people who wrote sage advise and wisdom some 5000 to 7000 years ago. I've read some of Patanjali's works and find them interesting.

Back to the card. Ok, so maybe this deck of cards is a pretty good content generator. We'll see when I pick the third card for the next blog. Who knows maybe I have 50 more blogs ready and waiting.

How can we impact the future? How can we transform from our current circumstances to an improved desired state? Wishful thinking won't get us there. What do we do? We can focus our time and energy right now on what is right in front of us - our current reality. By evaluating our current circumstances and seeing what might be different we can take steps now to make a change. To transform our way of working in this moment, transforming our team and organization as we continually press forward.

We remember that taking a step, is just that, one step. Our one step may put us in front of others or at the same point as others or still way behind. The point is to take the step.

One reminder I give to teams when I'm coaching/teaching teams is to tell them that the organization is moving toward agility. All individuals, teams, departments are not at the same place in their journey. Some are well along and others are just starting. This clearly provides challenges as teams try to work together, but it's part of the transformation landscape. It forces behavior modification; transformation now.

Can't wait to see what the next card will be... to be continued...

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